Month: November 2016

Let it Go

There are many things we care deeply about, whether it be an object or a family member, there’s something. But, there is a time to keep something, and a time to let it go. But when do we cross that line?

Family is one of those things you can truly never forget, even beyond death. But, there is a difference between remembering someone , and holding on to them and letting it eat away at your conscience. In this case, you shouldn’t forget the person, but you should also not cry about them 24/7.

So, how about objects. Well there are things that are related to big parts of our life. But, some people start holding on to every single one. So in this case, you can hold on to those sentimental pieces, but ask yourself if the ones that aren’t as sentimental are worth keeping.

If there’s one thing we as humans do, it’s make mistakes. But as we grow up we use those mistakes to get further in life; and in those instances, there are objects and people who help us make it though those times. So, you can hold on to the feelings you have when you think  someone or something, just not all the time.

Washington D.C.

One of the most iconic cities in the United States has to be Washington D.C. Not because of the name or the location, but for how long it’s been in our country. The famous buildings in this capitol city are another reason why it is so famous. But before it was established, the Government at the time was meeting in 2 different cities. New York, which was where the federal hall was located, and Philadelphia where the Congress Hall was. Soon in 1789 Congress signed the Residence act to establish a site for the future capitol. Along with the site, the Legislature of Maryland ceded a portion of land to assist the capitol’s construction. Pierre L’Efant was in charge of the designing of the city, and later helped renovate the Federal Hall, but was later dismissed by Washington himself and replaced with Andrew Ellicott. During construction the name of the city, Washing D.C., was decided. Washington because he was the first president, the D standing for Federal District, which is what the city was, and the C standing for Columbia, the goddess of Liberty and Freedom. It was established as the capital in 1800. The city included buildings such as the White House, the Washington Monument, and many other monuments and memorials. John Adams was the first president to live in the White House. To this day, Washington D.C. will continue to be one of the most historical cities to ever be established.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Book Report

Today will be a book report on the characters from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. This book is about scientist who discovers a strange underwater creature. Later he find’s out it’s a submarine called the Nautilus, and he’s inside it. He meets with the captain and sees amazing underwater plants and creatures. But eventually, he escapes from the ship when it gets stuck in a whirlpool, leaving him wondering if the crew’s OK. Today I’ll talk about the captain and the scientist.

The captains full title is Captain Nemo. He was a strong and tough sounding character, but he also very seemed resourceful. The furniture, food, and tables on his ship were made from undersea materials. While he seemed tough, he cared about his crew greatly, and hated it when one of his crew died later on in the book. As the story progressed, his physical condition got worse.

The next character I’ll talk about is Professor Annorax. He was a renown scientist in Britain in those days and was thrilled when a chance to make new discoveries arose. When he found himself aboard the Nautilus, he was excited to be able to study undersea life up close. He even went scuba diving!  When he first met captain Nemo they weren’t the best of friends, but he soon grew fond of him.

Now, these characters had similarities and differences. Both took an interest in sea life and loved knowledge via books. But, their personalities were different; Captain Nemo gave orders and was strong hearted, while the professor took orders and wasn’t as strong physically.

What is best about two characters having similar or different qualities is how both solve problems. It’s fun to see how they collaborate with one another and work their way around their differences. Overall, I would recommend this book to everyone who enjoys adventure and science fiction.

Financial Help

There are many ways to manage your money online. But, the best financial solution for me, and I’m not saying this because I was to lazy to find other ways, is the Ron Paul curriculum personal finance course. It has truly helped my financial situation dramatically. I have avoided many small expenses, though I do occasionally give in. It has provided me with the information on how to create my own budget, which I have and use fairly often. It has also given me friendly advice on how I should go about spending on clothes and technology. The teacher that I’ve been learning from is Mr. Timothy Terrell. He’s very descriptive and uses many helpful scenarios to demonstrate his points. But, he suggests that I take notes so that what he says doesn’t just go over my head. I suggest everyone else do the same. He also gives me the occasional writing assignment to also help solidify what I’ve learned. In fact, this is one of those writing assignments. The course is not free but I would suggest paying for it. It’s worth it, trust me. If anyone were to ever consider purchasing a financial helper, this course is perfect.